
Sunday, January 30, 2011

another seven sixes make it two!

hellooo! am back from the ward again, 4 hours earlier today, because i have an essay to finish! hahaha the doctors were all baffled at my attendance today lmao.

got my final mini cex and dops signed off by one of the most unlikely people - i wouldnt have even thought of approaching him at the beginning of the block; might have even slightly actively avoid him but he is such a nice person! heheheheheh.

strangely enough, i don't really recall doing anything today -_- all i remember is the fy1 telling me that the my clerking of the patient with RAPD yesterday was "beautiful" and he wanted to give it back to me as a souvenir HAHAHAAH (we're not allowed to do clerkings on clerk-in sheets and have to use continuation sheets, which i am actually secretly happy about because i tend to write too much for the boxes in the clerk-in documents... and i can leave out parts surreptitiously and not look like i'm totally incompetent HAHAHAAH)

started the day magnificently - as i was just literally entering the ward feeling slightly guilty for missing the post-take ward round the reg on call stopped me and told me that they were going to do a joint aspiration if i wanted to watch... also saw the fundi of a patient with benign intracranial hypertension and newly diagnosed diabetes! also went down to the a&e to talk to a patient with a mixed overdose of methadone and valium... oh and also clerked in a patient with an upper gi bleed... also some mini tutorials on ascites and serum-ascites albumin gradients which i was offered a CBD for but i don't need to do one.. pity. lol.

(oh yes. the reg also asked me if i needed any more mini-cexes and i said no because i already had one from dr cw. he then asked me if i got good remarks on it, because if not i could get another one and be "selective" about which ones i handed up.. hahahaha. dammit should've gotten more :P)

ok i sound like a total workaholic now -_- which is not a bad thing actually, it's just the thing i've been needing very badly for some time - an opportunity for the mind to be put to good use instead of being allowed to fester in the filth of doubt and paranoia and depression. everything is perfect. :)

was referred to as a "house officer.....ish person" today by the reg as well! hahahah but no biggie, that's what we 5th years are anyway. lol i love the reg that's on call. i think that all the regs in the hospital i am in are more competent than average, and it's been an honour being able to work with them!

ooo reflection of the day: just as we were in the a&e filling up forms for the OD patient, some nursing staff were talking about a patient who had just passed away on the ward (something to do with bed transfers and stuff) and i realised at that point in time that the past 2 days have actually been filled with depressing cases of sweet lovely patients not getting better and going the wrong way, but how things on the wards have actually seemed to be all happy and jolly and stuff... and then i realised that maybe it is true, humour, no matter how crass and inappropriate, might just be the only way we can protect ourselves from being overwhelmed by "normal" human emotions...

haha ok needta go do that damned case report. g'bye!